Statement of Compliance with Sustainability Principles
Tüpraş closely monitors best practices in relation to sustainability, including those specified in the Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB), and carries out its activities with the target of achieving maximum alignment with the generally-accepted best practices in this area. Many of the issues that Tüpraş manages under the “Our Energy is for the Future” strategy within the scope of its sustainability activities overlap with the principles stated in the “Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework” introduced by the CMB in 2020. In this context, Tüpraş achieved compliance with the majority of the principles covered in the non-compulsory “Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework” developed by the CMB with the “comply or explain” approach. Full compliance could not be achieved with some of the principles yet due to various reasons such as the difficulties in implementation, uncertainties in national and international arena, incompatibility of certain principles with the Company’s existing structure, and the fact that the compliance principles will be determined according to findings from studies that are currently in progress. It is aimed to implement the principles, with which full compliance has yet to be achieved, so as to contribute to the sustainable value creation goal of our Company.
The sustainability practices of Tüpraş that overlap with the principles covered in the CMB’s Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework are detailed principally in the Sustainability section of the Annual Report; and also in the Human Resources Section, as well as under the heading Environmental Management, Energy Efficiency, Health and Safety Implementations and Social Responsibility. Our explanations in relation to major principles, with which full compliance could not be achieved yet, are presented below. Our Company monitors the impacts resulting in environmental and social risk management by reason of not having achieved full compliance with the non-compulsory principles, and addresses the same within the scope of sustainability activities.
- Regarding Principle A4.1 – A limited assurance study was carried out by an independent third party to enhance the reliability of data publicly disclosed by Tüpraş. In the Annual Report Performance Indicators have been disclosed by specifying the data for which third party limited assurance service has been obtained, and work is in progress for expanding the scope of verification both for subsidiaries and for indicators and for disclosure of the same in the coming years.
- Regarding Principle B.9 – Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions are verified by the verification bodies authorized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, within the scope of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) communiqué. and by independent third parties. The company also has these data verified by independent third parties and independent auditors on a voluntary basis within the scope of ISO 14064-1. Data are also publicly disclosed. Similarly, emission reductions secured through energy efficiency projects, energy consumption, water, waste and similar environmental indicators are also regularly monitored; verified under ISO 14064-2 and by independent auditors, and are publicly disclosed in the performance indicators section of the Annual Report. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions are disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report and Sustainability Report, and the studies on Scope 3 emissions are ongoing.
- Regarding Principle B.14 – Tüpraş conducts lifecycle analyses on the basis of production, and takes improvement actions according to the outcomes. All productions are monitored using the Environmental Aspects Table, which is a requirement of ISO 14001 certification that the Company possesses for all its facilities. In addition, Environmental Impact Assessments are also performed for new investments. However, although GHG emissions of third parties (Scope 3) are calculated, strategies for their reporting and reduction in the coming years are planned to be developed.
- Regarding Principle B.17 – Energy consumed at our refineries is reported broken down into direct and indirect classes (fuel oil, gas, etc.); hoever, their distribution after consumption of energy are process-specific metrics for heating and cooling, and are not reported separately. Due to the highly complex structure of the refineries, flow into heating and cooling for each process unit, calorific value measurements are not healthy and/or available. Therefore, the most reliable measurement-based energy consumptions are reported ias direct and indirect on the basis of primary source. Electricity generation amounts, on the other hand, are notified to institutions such as Energy Market Regulation Agency/Electricity Transmission Company through the system, as it is an operation subject to license.
- Regarding Principle B. 23 – internal carbon pricing is addressed in project evaluations. Various instruments are being considered to contribute to efforts related to climate change, and those deemed appropriate will be put into implementation under the strategy developed. There are no carbon credits saved/purchased.
- Regarding Principle B.24 – The Company does not carry out internal carbon pricing studies. Various instruments are being considered for low-carbon transition, and those deemed appropriate may be put into implementation under the strategy developed. Sustainability Principles Compliance Report prepared in accordance with the formats determined by the CMB Resolution no. 34/977 dated 23 June 2022 and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors is presented in attachment to the annual report (pages 360-370) and the related documents can also be accessed on our Company’s page on the Public Disclosure Platform at the address